Sakariye Abdi, Changing The Lead Generation Systems For E-Com Stores
Individuals draw in with others in any business. Being a business visionary calls for one to be credible and keep consistent with what guides typical associations with others. Being straightforward, open, and having believability is critical for the accomplishment of your business.
Who is Sakariye?
Sakariye Abdi is an e-com store consultant from Finland. Ever since a young age Sakariye learned discipline, precision and to appreciate the people around him trough his experience in martial arts and soccer. This young entrepreneurs main goal is not only to make sales and land clients, but to actually build long term connections with people he meets along the way! Sakariye has started his online agency in 2020 at the start of the pandemic with the goal to help people who run their online stores get the success and freedom that everyone is advertising.
Changing the game!
At the age of 24 Sakariye and his team have helped 100s of e-com stores all over the world to become successful, however he did not use the methodical tactics like everyone else. Sakariye has helped all of these people using his own systems and his own unique strategies. This entrepreneur just doesn’t believe in the systematic ways, he believes that as the world is changing we should change the strategies we are using, because if we use the same strategy we won’t go further we will just stay at the same place.
Sakariye’s message to young Entrepreneurs:
When we asked this entrepreneur for the Number One advice he would give to the young entrepreneurs it was this: “You should always focus on progress over perfection. It is much better if you improve by 1% every day, then if you try to be perfect and never actually move forward”
The sacrifice
One of the biggest sacrifices the this young Entrepreneur has had to make is sacrificing people. In his life Sakariye was always surrounded by a big group of friends and family, but not all of those friends and family would support his dreams and ambitions! Just like many other successful people Sakariye has had to cut out a lot of his friends and family in order to get to where he is at today. ” You are the reflection of the people who you spend time with!” Sakariye said.
Get connected
Sakariye loves to connect with people all over the world and make connections. If you want to get in touch with this astounding young entrepreneur or get a chance to work with him, you can do so trough his instagram page.